all postcodes in GL50 / CHELTENHAM

find any address or company within the GL50 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL50 2JZ 13 3 51.894887 -2.085889
GL50 2LA 14 0 51.887601 -2.093423
GL50 2LB 37 5 51.894798 -2.087683
GL50 2LD 35 4 51.894852 -2.087916
GL50 2LE 8 0 51.895713 -2.087693
GL50 2LF 123 0 51.895184 -2.087946
GL50 2LG 1 1 51.893924 -2.089949
GL50 2LH 32 0 51.895065 -2.09075
GL50 2LJ 6 0 51.894941 -2.08647
GL50 2LL 16 0 51.894011 -2.092986
GL50 2LN 25 0 51.887107 -2.092797
GL50 2LP 15 0 51.88654 -2.093276
GL50 2LQ 7 0 51.894139 -2.090748
GL50 2LR 47 2 51.894506 -2.092362
GL50 2LS 16 0 51.894065 -2.09348
GL50 2LT 17 0 51.895015 -2.095597
GL50 2LU 49 0 51.895392 -2.097683
GL50 2LW 11 0 51.886818 -2.093421
GL50 2LX 32 0 51.89578 -2.096216
GL50 2LY 7 0 51.88644 -2.09438