all postcodes in GL7 / FAIRFORD

find any address or company within the GL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL7 1DG 6 0 51.712735 -1.950482
GL7 1DH 50 0 51.712627 -1.951871
GL7 1DJ 47 0 51.713032 -1.952638
GL7 1DL 14 0 51.71118 -1.951279
GL7 1DN 1 0 51.712143 -1.955056
GL7 1DP 18 0 51.710829 -1.952669
GL7 1DQ 30 0 51.71269 -1.950916
GL7 1DR 21 0 51.710577 -1.950165
GL7 1DS 24 0 51.710837 -1.949659
GL7 1DT 10 0 51.710306 -1.948747
GL7 1DU 24 0 51.710945 -1.948776
GL7 1DW 60 0 51.711997 -1.949715
GL7 1DX 42 0 51.711475 -1.94795
GL7 1DY 31 0 51.711781 -1.948587
GL7 1DZ 17 0 51.713193 -1.948903
GL7 1EA 30 2 51.714502 -1.965822
GL7 1EB 12 3 51.715388 -1.963975
GL7 1ED 7 0 51.715841 -1.962796
GL7 1EE 18 2 51.715104 -1.962768
GL7 1EF 44 0 51.713989 -1.96439