all postcodes in GL7 / FAIRFORD

find any address or company within the GL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL7 1FS 1 1 51.71186 -1.943854
GL7 1FY 5 0 51.706743 -1.967087
GL7 1FZ 12 0 51.707094 -1.967709
GL7 1GA 4 0 51.712804 -1.968863
GL7 1GD 8 0 51.709852 -1.9594
GL7 1GF 1 1 51.701769 -1.960073
GL7 1GW 20 0 51.708064 -1.964047
GL7 1HA 28 0 51.710742 -1.959558
GL7 1HB 27 0 51.710387 -1.959087
GL7 1HD 25 0 51.710118 -1.960158
GL7 1HE 12 0 51.713108 -1.962422
GL7 1HF 19 0 51.713683 -1.96274
GL7 1HG 49 0 51.712928 -1.961655
GL7 1HH 13 0 51.710095 -1.958893
GL7 1FN 1 0 51.715136 -1.965683
GL7 1HN 4 3 51.714755 -1.969962
GL7 1HQ 32 0 51.71389 -1.9619
GL7 1HR 18 0 51.712815 -1.948701
GL7 1HS 1 1 51.716679 -1.94447
GL7 1HU 36 0 51.711882 -1.953449