all postcodes in GL7 / FAIRFORD

find any address or company within the GL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL7 4GZ 22 0 51.709546 -1.792707
GL7 4HA 8 0 51.672653 -1.779178
GL7 4HB 5 0 51.672952 -1.780348
GL7 4HD 16 0 51.673472 -1.784395
GL7 4HE 23 0 51.676567 -1.793682
GL7 4HF 6 0 51.690564 -1.760979
GL7 4HG 3 0 51.691374 -1.761452
GL7 4HJ 7 0 51.669201 -1.770259
GL7 4HL 18 0 51.671341 -1.769886
GL7 4HN 12 0 51.670533 -1.770686
GL7 4HP 10 0 51.707079 -1.78794
GL7 4HQ 12 0 51.669864 -1.76894
GL7 4HR 8 0 51.707169 -1.788446
GL7 4HS 11 0 51.707008 -1.788953
GL7 4HT 7 0 51.707627 -1.787995
GL7 4HU 10 0 51.708202 -1.787544
GL7 4HW 6 0 51.671003 -1.767329
GL7 4HX 3 0 51.708235 -1.788473
GL7 4HY 52 0 51.707486 -1.789733
GL7 4HZ 3 0 51.709104 -1.789103