all postcodes in GL7 / FAIRFORD

find any address or company within the GL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL7 4LA 8 0 51.711601 -1.768959
GL7 4LB 63 0 51.711249 -1.768107
GL7 4LD 7 0 51.711926 -1.769362
GL7 4LE 23 0 51.71045 -1.76869
GL7 4LF 49 1 51.711294 -1.772839
GL7 4LG 7 0 51.710809 -1.792713
GL7 4LH 8 0 51.708661 -1.773301
GL7 4LJ 8 0 51.703547 -1.78431
GL7 4LL 11 0 51.712205 -1.774267
GL7 4LN 11 0 51.711504 -1.774271
GL7 4LP 23 0 51.711798 -1.773097
GL7 4LQ 27 0 51.712543 -1.772384
GL7 4LR 3 0 51.712157 -1.772444
GL7 4LS 3 0 51.713193 -1.773915
GL7 4LT 19 0 51.712886 -1.772933
GL7 4LU 6 0 51.671877 -1.772906
GL7 4LX 34 1 51.705599 -1.775661
GL7 4NA 1 1 51.707687 -1.781598
GL7 4ND 5 0 51.70668 -1.776553
GL7 4NE 28 0 51.709841 -1.7748