all postcodes in GL7 / FAIRFORD

find any address or company within the GL7 postcode district

Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL7 4FG 26 0 51.706391 -1.790577
GL7 4FF 3 0 51.70516 -1.791205
GL7 4FH 18 0 51.706988 -1.792557
GL7 4FJ 52 0 51.70659 -1.791546
GL7 4FL 8 0 51.705476 -1.791884
GL7 4FP 13 0 51.705369 -1.792289
GL7 4FQ 4 0 51.70608 -1.792561
GL7 4FR 6 0 51.70704 -1.79179
GL7 4FS 3 0 51.707957 -1.791626
GL7 4FT 7 0 51.707324 -1.791864
GL7 4FW 2 0 51.707088 -1.790664
GL7 4FX 7 0 51.705978 -1.791172
GL7 4GA 2 0 51.668335 -1.741433
GL7 4FA 23 0 51.673254 -1.778279
GL7 4NJ 1 1 51.681228 -1.762361
GL7 4FU 34 0 51.704155 -1.789852
GL7 4FY 4 0 51.703399 -1.789726
GL7 4FZ 18 0 51.703581 -1.790492
GL7 4GB 22 0 51.704397 -1.789721
GL7 4GD 22 0 51.703717 -1.791272