all postcodes in GL7 / FAIRFORD

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Postcode Area

GL / Gloucester

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GL7 4NF 4 0 51.669081 -1.768683
GL7 4NH 12 0 51.707526 -1.78186
GL7 4NN 4 0 51.672228 -1.773165
GL7 4NP 42 0 51.71226 -1.769983
GL7 4NS 14 0 51.671754 -1.774179
GL7 4NT 2 0 51.672343 -1.775206
GL7 4NU 4 0 51.707626 -1.787474
GL7 4PR 4 0 51.70958 -1.774512
GL7 4PZ 5 2 51.724561 -1.759166
GL7 4RB 1 1 51.697088 -1.772997
GL7 4RD 2 2 51.690558 -1.793995
GL7 4YA 1 1 51.707687 -1.781598
GL7 4YP 1 1 51.707687 -1.781598
GL7 4WZ 1 51.707687 -1.781598
GL7 4WA 1 1 51.707687 -1.781598
GL7 4LY 8 0 51.709808 -1.793459
GL7 4FD 0 51.670944 -1.772161
GL7 4WJ 1 51.707687 -1.781598
GL7 4EH 1 0 51.691617 -1.744235
GL7 4FE 11 0 51.705832 -1.789653