all postcodes in GU8 / GODALMING

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU8 4SY 18 0 51.079136 -0.622935
GU8 4TA 17 0 51.084453 -0.618242
GU8 4SZ 11 0 51.076875 -0.609754
GU8 4TB 13 1 51.088654 -0.609207
GU8 4TD 6 3 51.086796 -0.605022
GU8 4TE 8 0 51.087398 -0.602285
GU8 4TF 7 0 51.088023 -0.592985
GU8 4TG 13 0 51.096318 -0.618183
GU8 4TL 3 0 51.109177 -0.629556
GU8 4TP 15 2 51.11087 -0.625206
GU8 4TR 2 0 51.110455 -0.625396
GU8 4TS 21 1 51.108511 -0.621483
GU8 4TT 4 0 51.111323 -0.626993
GU8 4TU 18 5 51.109987 -0.628425
GU8 4TX 1 1 51.109605 -0.629243
GU8 4TY 13 2 51.109108 -0.629087
GU8 4TZ 3 0 51.108895 -0.630022
GU8 4UA 12 0 51.108309 -0.629939
GU8 4UB 5 0 51.107762 -0.630055
GU8 4UD 33 0 51.107136 -0.628859