all postcodes in GU8 / GODALMING

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU8 4XS 11 0 51.112421 -0.614902
GU8 4XT 8 0 51.117305 -0.613413
GU8 4XU 10 0 51.120916 -0.599545
GU8 4XW 7 0 51.116759 -0.656049
GU8 4XX 3 0 51.114807 -0.59703
GU8 4XY 6 0 51.111558 -0.590814
GU8 4XZ 4 0 51.109295 -0.596282
GU8 4YA 14 0 51.105327 -0.599116
GU8 4YB 9 0 51.100303 -0.610666
GU8 4YD 13 0 51.101294 -0.615392
GU8 4YS 1 1 51.185946 -0.605946
GU8 4ZP 1 1 51.185946 -0.605946
GU8 4ZR 1 1 51.185946 -0.605946
GU8 4SQ 0 51.079381 -0.6076
GU8 4AJ 0 51.116909 -0.562004
GU8 4PN 8 0 51.113157 -0.641553
GU8 4PX 13 0 51.115335 -0.631674
GU8 4WP 1 0 51.185942 -0.605926