all postcodes in GU8 / GODALMING

find any address or company within the GU8 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU8 4QX 2 0 51.115196 -0.640215
GU8 4QY 3 0 51.115261 -0.640763
GU8 4QZ 3 0 51.115366 -0.64056
GU8 4RA 23 0 51.115654 -0.638994
GU8 4RB 24 0 51.115914 -0.639265
GU8 4RD 4 0 51.115431 -0.638358
GU8 4RE 6 0 51.115432 -0.637743
GU8 4RF 2 0 51.115613 -0.635073
GU8 4RG 40 0 51.117777 -0.636003
GU8 4RH 11 0 51.115031 -0.635683
GU8 4RJ 15 0 51.115235 -0.63392
GU8 4RL 3 0 51.11447 -0.634628
GU8 4RN 3 0 51.114831 -0.633975
GU8 4RP 8 0 51.114901 -0.633058
GU8 4RQ 20 0 51.11746 -0.636119
GU8 4RR 7 0 51.114645 -0.633423
GU8 4RS 2 0 51.114557 -0.633176
GU8 4RT 3 0 51.114486 -0.632942
GU8 4RU 6 1 51.11439 -0.632388
GU8 4RW 5 1 51.114582 -0.634254