all postcodes in GU8 / GODALMING

find any address or company within the GU8 postcode district

Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU8 4RX 4 0 51.114759 -0.632405
GU8 4RY 20 0 51.11434 -0.639647
GU8 4RZ 24 0 51.114155 -0.636895
GU8 4SA 15 0 51.115073 -0.637754
GU8 4SB 9 0 51.113864 -0.638947
GU8 4SD 25 0 51.115864 -0.636202
GU8 4SE 8 0 51.116745 -0.636933
GU8 4SF 23 0 51.116847 -0.637959
GU8 4SG 12 0 51.116318 -0.634288
GU8 4SH 5 0 51.109469 -0.630662
GU8 4SJ 17 0 51.10693 -0.640014
GU8 4SL 17 3 51.10043 -0.633614
GU8 4SN 9 0 51.090673 -0.644818
GU8 4SP 7 1 51.088922 -0.645433
GU8 4SR 9 0 51.087762 -0.641598
GU8 4SS 3 1 51.088158 -0.645498
GU8 4ST 9 0 51.088371 -0.649133
GU8 4SU 6 0 51.079037 -0.649177
GU8 4SW 7 0 51.090834 -0.646762
GU8 4SX 11 0 51.081091 -0.633998