all postcodes in GU8 / GODALMING

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Postcode Area

GU / Guildford

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
GU8 4UE 6 0 51.106707 -0.628329
GU8 4UF 21 4 51.112159 -0.627696
GU8 4UG 7 0 51.114295 -0.628876
GU8 4UH 12 0 51.114425 -0.630787
GU8 4UJ 13 0 51.115267 -0.626633
GU8 4UL 4 0 51.116724 -0.623618
GU8 4UN 4 0 51.117489 -0.622938
GU8 4UP 8 1 51.11862 -0.623083
GU8 4UQ 24 0 51.114646 -0.630494
GU8 4UR 6 0 51.118541 -0.622135
GU8 4UT 5 0 51.119131 -0.622575
GU8 4UU 7 1 51.121069 -0.623789
GU8 4UW 7 0 51.118394 -0.622668
GU8 4UX 11 0 51.122521 -0.626375
GU8 4UZ 11 0 51.107326 -0.627382
GU8 4XJ 25 0 51.11071 -0.637611
GU8 4XL 18 1 51.116882 -0.647945
GU8 4XN 5 0 51.120022 -0.652797
GU8 4XP 25 0 51.108788 -0.664309
GU8 4XR 17 1 51.109627 -0.652014