all postcodes in HD8 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD8 9QD 4 0 53.600738 -1.608454
HD8 9QE 2 0 53.59786 -1.594157
HD8 9QG 68 1 53.595687 -1.613559
HD8 9QH 21 1 53.592685 -1.607921
HD8 9QJ 14 0 53.591931 -1.608245
HD8 9QN 15 0 53.595209 -1.61864
HD8 9QP 59 0 53.611498 -1.630797
HD8 9QQ 1 1 53.600478 -1.60525
HD8 9QR 2 0 53.605149 -1.633319
HD8 9QS 4 1 53.5991 -1.626795
HD8 9QT 15 0 53.60666 -1.618568
HD8 9QU 3 1 53.61137 -1.612827
HD8 9QW 4 0 53.59417 -1.619602
HD8 9QX 12 0 53.613688 -1.606986
HD8 9QY 27 24 53.612374 -1.644593
HD8 9RA 9 0 53.610953 -1.631936
HD8 9RB 7 0 53.610425 -1.632409
HD8 9RD 2 0 53.616934 -1.628047
HD8 9RE 20 2 53.613236 -1.63181
HD8 9RF 6 0 53.612973 -1.63086