all postcodes in HD8 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD8 9NA 5 0 53.593731 -1.611689
HD8 9NB 30 0 53.593723 -1.617657
HD8 9ND 4 0 53.593407 -1.611707
HD8 9NE 18 1 53.592839 -1.611229
HD8 9NF 20 0 53.592219 -1.611038
HD8 9NG 12 0 53.592733 -1.611713
HD8 9NH 25 0 53.593554 -1.615437
HD8 9NJ 8 0 53.593931 -1.615177
HD8 9NL 28 0 53.594617 -1.616259
HD8 9NN 27 1 53.596004 -1.616911
HD8 9NP 6 0 53.5936 -1.615709
HD8 9NQ 26 0 53.592941 -1.612696
HD8 9NR 36 0 53.592998 -1.613406
HD8 9NS 30 2 53.592268 -1.609542
HD8 9NT 2 0 53.591171 -1.610144
HD8 9NU 9 0 53.59038 -1.609453
HD8 9NW 32 1 53.594321 -1.616763
HD8 9NX 4 0 53.590802 -1.609434
HD8 9NZ 1 0 53.592952 -1.609883
HD8 9PA 50 0 53.593293 -1.606873