all postcodes in HD8 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD8 9LA 44 28 53.586808 -1.628082
HD8 9LB 2 0 53.585598 -1.629938
HD8 9LD 16 0 53.590314 -1.658402
HD8 9LE 4 1 53.582351 -1.631353
HD8 9LF 27 1 53.586363 -1.626545
HD8 9LG 6 0 53.582763 -1.619508
HD8 9LH 2 1 53.58248 -1.604801
HD8 9LJ 4 0 53.587928 -1.601756
HD8 9LL 6 1 53.589078 -1.607124
HD8 9LN 8 1 53.587737 -1.609251
HD8 9LP 13 0 53.594311 -1.627276
HD8 9LQ 15 0 53.577133 -1.621144
HD8 9LR 17 0 53.591704 -1.618596
HD8 9LS 35 0 53.589347 -1.623588
HD8 9LT 1 0 53.601746 -1.586697
HD8 9LU 10 0 53.600423 -1.607638
HD8 9LW 5 0 53.591713 -1.616333
HD8 9LX 13 0 53.591613 -1.621286
HD8 9LY 31 0 53.59436 -1.611638
HD8 9LZ 9 1 53.593542 -1.611675