all postcodes in HD8 / HUDDERSFIELD

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Postcode Area

HD / Huddersfield

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HD8 9PD 41 3 53.593796 -1.609543
HD8 9PE 41 3 53.595989 -1.609583
HD8 9PF 3 0 53.595397 -1.609921
HD8 9PG 5 0 53.595604 -1.609994
HD8 9PH 3 0 53.5958 -1.609554
HD8 9PJ 2 0 53.596643 -1.609429
HD8 9PL 47 0 53.597153 -1.608076
HD8 9PN 4 0 53.588649 -1.654638
HD8 9PP 4 0 53.597748 -1.608796
HD8 9PQ 6 0 53.595703 -1.609948
HD8 9PR 49 1 53.598408 -1.609833
HD8 9PS 42 0 53.597919 -1.61159
HD8 9PT 18 0 53.598475 -1.611041
HD8 9PU 16 2 53.598674 -1.612024
HD8 9PW 59 0 53.595194 -1.614564
HD8 9PX 1 0 53.59401 -1.608982
HD8 9PY 23 0 53.598343 -1.609395
HD8 9PZ 6 0 53.600254 -1.610828
HD8 9QA 51 0 53.599791 -1.606904
HD8 9QB 17 4 53.600089 -1.609968