all postcodes in HP15 / HIGH WYCOMBE

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP15 6HS 23 0 51.678234 -0.723325
HP15 6HT 6 0 51.674483 -0.73059
HP15 6HU 12 0 51.676254 -0.722325
HP15 6HW 20 0 51.676189 -0.723773
HP15 6HX 36 2 51.676523 -0.720597
HP15 6HY 22 0 51.675872 -0.721107
HP15 6HZ 2 0 51.674514 -0.714052
HP15 6JA 27 5 51.672764 -0.718924
HP15 6JE 22 0 51.67495 -0.722261
HP15 6JP 10 3 51.664676 -0.736705
HP15 6JR 18 0 51.661263 -0.746299
HP15 6JS 36 0 51.660874 -0.745298
HP15 6LL 10 0 51.666836 -0.734404
HP15 6JT 4 0 51.666485 -0.734399
HP15 6JX 6 1 51.663842 -0.737755
HP15 6JY 7 0 51.663202 -0.737628
HP15 6LB 1 1 51.657689 -0.738418
HP15 6LD 3 0 51.654111 -0.737592
HP15 6LG 6 1 51.655019 -0.736714
HP15 6LH 7 0 51.653072 -0.735481