all postcodes in HP15 / HIGH WYCOMBE

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP15 6PF 12 0 51.670129 -0.708991
HP15 6PG 3 0 51.667224 -0.707252
HP15 6PU 17 1 51.663678 -0.692388
HP15 6PX 33 2 51.663958 -0.693334
HP15 6PY 45 0 51.663453 -0.69397
HP15 6PZ 29 0 51.663326 -0.68981
HP15 6QG 17 0 51.662663 -0.693241
HP15 6QQ 25 0 51.662698 -0.690782
HP15 6QT 22 14 51.661721 -0.691484
HP15 6QU 25 0 51.662029 -0.69365
HP15 6QX 31 0 51.661171 -0.692547
HP15 6QY 11 0 51.660931 -0.693566
HP15 6RA 38 0 51.661906 -0.697991
HP15 6RB 10 0 51.661617 -0.696279
HP15 6RD 12 0 51.662024 -0.697308
HP15 6RE 26 0 51.66141 -0.697007
HP15 6RF 41 0 51.6628 -0.695883
HP15 6RG 6 0 51.662634 -0.694702
HP15 6RH 11 4 51.664408 -0.694955
HP15 6RJ 19 0 51.663563 -0.695818