all postcodes in HP15 / HIGH WYCOMBE

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP15 6LJ 65 53 51.665377 -0.732964
HP15 6LN 2 0 51.670711 -0.734015
HP15 6LP 1 1 51.66978 -0.746512
HP15 6LQ 2 0 51.654951 -0.735105
HP15 6LS 4 0 51.666183 -0.733858
HP15 6LT 23 0 51.672283 -0.735901
HP15 6LW 13 0 51.671776 -0.737289
HP15 6ND 33 0 51.658577 -0.728996
HP15 6NE 16 1 51.660452 -0.725257
HP15 6NL 4 0 51.661301 -0.72318
HP15 6NN 27 0 51.660968 -0.72113
HP15 6NP 34 4 51.66166 -0.716976
HP15 6NR 4 0 51.661601 -0.712718
HP15 6NS 35 0 51.663561 -0.714397
HP15 6NT 21 0 51.666191 -0.716405
HP15 6NU 22 0 51.664759 -0.714566
HP15 6NW 4 0 51.660546 -0.719051
HP15 6NX 2 0 51.668678 -0.719828
HP15 6PA 39 0 51.662623 -0.714945
HP15 6PE 15 3 51.671202 -0.716654