all postcodes in HP15 / HIGH WYCOMBE

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP15 6ST 5 0 51.667225 -0.698417
HP15 6SU 27 2 51.665724 -0.695235
HP15 6SW 15 0 51.664732 -0.697846
HP15 6SX 18 2 51.667115 -0.695817
HP15 6SY 13 0 51.666009 -0.69663
HP15 6SZ 8 0 51.665827 -0.693179
HP15 6TA 20 0 51.666064 -0.69349
HP15 6TB 14 0 51.667056 -0.692927
HP15 6TD 8 2 51.667005 -0.690774
HP15 6TE 10 0 51.666064 -0.691827
HP15 6TF 24 0 51.665889 -0.690647
HP15 6TG 14 0 51.665045 -0.692392
HP15 6TH 19 0 51.667185 -0.689135
HP15 6TJ 20 0 51.66752 -0.687751
HP15 6TL 21 0 51.665898 -0.685051
HP15 6TN 31 0 51.665304 -0.690664
HP15 6TP 3 0 51.664869 -0.689519
HP15 6TQ 35 0 51.664296 -0.691314
HP15 6TR 6 0 51.661394 -0.70295
HP15 6TS 5 0 51.666702 -0.693472