all postcodes in HP15 / HIGH WYCOMBE

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Postcode Area

HP / Hemel Hempstead

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HP15 6RL 24 0 51.663487 -0.695386
HP15 6RN 14 5 51.664113 -0.695122
HP15 6RQ 14 1 51.664694 -0.695626
HP15 6RT 15 0 51.663989 -0.698509
HP15 6RW 8 4 51.6647 -0.694571
HP15 6RX 19 0 51.662049 -0.703582
HP15 6RY 23 5 51.661644 -0.70355
HP15 6RZ 7 0 51.66252 -0.701472
HP15 6SA 1 0 51.662731 -0.701076
HP15 6SB 7 0 51.66357 -0.701312
HP15 6SE 24 0 51.662936 -0.702458
HP15 6SF 33 0 51.663587 -0.700357
HP15 6SG 42 0 51.661378 -0.698989
HP15 6SJ 21 0 51.661187 -0.699616
HP15 6SL 32 1 51.663003 -0.698755
HP15 6SN 14 0 51.662884 -0.697789
HP15 6SP 31 2 51.66649 -0.697802
HP15 6SQ 5 0 51.661601 -0.700472
HP15 6SR 30 0 51.664993 -0.69903
HP15 6SS 7 0 51.665521 -0.699608