all postcodes in HU14 / NORTH FERRIBY

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HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU14 3RF 15 0 53.742204 -0.491962
HU14 3RG 48 0 53.742942 -0.488433
HU14 3RH 62 0 53.743525 -0.488351
HU14 3RJ 7 0 53.742126 -0.495058
HU14 3RL 27 0 53.742493 -0.484218
HU14 3RN 9 0 53.741675 -0.484202
HU14 3RQ 34 0 53.743179 -0.486544
HU14 3RR 4 0 53.718903 -0.506177
HU14 3WB 1 1 53.720652 -0.429221
HU14 3WT 1 0 53.720634 -0.429217
HU14 3GA 0 53.72202 -0.508189
HU14 3BJ 37 0 53.73902 -0.493183
HU14 3BP 0 53.719386 -0.505251
HU14 3RS 25 18 53.72257 -0.52716
HU14 3LH 1 1 53.711632 -0.53673
HU14 3HJ 1 53.721731 -0.535025
HU14 3NX 3 0 53.734603 -0.495054
HU14 3BQ 5 53.722791 -0.534169
HU14 3RP 8 0 53.738766 -0.498013
HU14 3RT 2 0 53.739083 -0.497386