all postcodes in HU14 / NORTH FERRIBY

find any address or company within the HU14 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU14 3LZ 28 0 53.734133 -0.49128
HU14 3NA 7 0 53.731618 -0.492886
HU14 3NB 30 0 53.736726 -0.485199
HU14 3ND 15 0 53.735253 -0.488047
HU14 3NE 12 1 53.737251 -0.484088
HU14 3NF 5 2 53.732822 -0.478639
HU14 3NG 7 2 53.736594 -0.472711
HU14 3NH 32 1 53.739845 -0.480963
HU14 3NL 34 0 53.738863 -0.483591
HU14 3NN 14 0 53.738036 -0.485758
HU14 3NP 16 0 53.741652 -0.480261
HU14 3NQ 21 0 53.739012 -0.487558
HU14 3NR 9 0 53.738643 -0.486813
HU14 3NS 10 0 53.735828 -0.485989
HU14 3NT 15 0 53.737696 -0.480919
HU14 3NU 14 0 53.738702 -0.481565
HU14 3NW 9 0 53.738388 -0.484472
HU14 3NY 1 0 53.737651 -0.492246
HU14 3NZ 20 0 53.736616 -0.494315
HU14 3PA 10 0 53.736174 -0.497702