all postcodes in HU14 / NORTH FERRIBY

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU14 3PB 29 0 53.737157 -0.494492
HU14 3PD 8 0 53.738356 -0.491028
HU14 3PE 45 6 53.738141 -0.494093
HU14 3PF 1 1 53.73791 -0.492843
HU14 3PG 16 1 53.738672 -0.49687
HU14 3PH 10 0 53.739336 -0.496219
HU14 3PJ 24 0 53.736652 -0.501369
HU14 3PL 37 0 53.736964 -0.502019
HU14 3PN 30 0 53.738083 -0.499493
HU14 3PQ 41 0 53.737767 -0.493637
HU14 3PR 3 0 53.736263 -0.503485
HU14 3PS 4 0 53.737758 -0.495659
HU14 3PT 3 0 53.735587 -0.498278
HU14 3PW 48 0 53.738232 -0.500579
HU14 3PX 14 0 53.741636 -0.496834
HU14 3PY 36 0 53.742062 -0.495621
HU14 3PZ 12 0 53.743243 -0.495842
HU14 3QA 7 0 53.740562 -0.484363
HU14 3QB 32 0 53.74009 -0.491067
HU14 3QD 18 0 53.741822 -0.494301