all postcodes in HU14 / NORTH FERRIBY

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU14 3JU 4 0 53.728336 -0.507889
HU14 3JW 20 0 53.724072 -0.503326
HU14 3JX 15 0 53.72793 -0.509904
HU14 3JY 12 0 53.727813 -0.507786
HU14 3JZ 3 1 53.722417 -0.504588
HU14 3LA 20 1 53.721741 -0.486632
HU14 3LB 13 0 53.72108 -0.484109
HU14 3LD 43 1 53.720889 -0.478266
HU14 3LE 40 0 53.7215 -0.480381
HU14 3LG 1 1 53.720717 -0.472543
HU14 3LJ 1 1 53.718328 -0.535952
HU14 3LL 13 0 53.72763 -0.502427
HU14 3LN 1 1 53.723849 -0.482009
HU14 3LQ 5 0 53.721519 -0.473363
HU14 3LR 13 0 53.734964 -0.493697
HU14 3LS 23 0 53.733401 -0.495976
HU14 3LT 3 0 53.737786 -0.492256
HU14 3LU 10 0 53.735832 -0.494904
HU14 3LX 22 0 53.734895 -0.496747
HU14 3LY 20 0 53.733662 -0.493132