all postcodes in HU14 / NORTH FERRIBY

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Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU14 3QE 34 0 53.738713 -0.49521
HU14 3QF 43 0 53.740496 -0.494085
HU14 3QG 33 0 53.73996 -0.493589
HU14 3QH 46 1 53.740888 -0.49307
HU14 3QJ 29 0 53.740999 -0.492596
HU14 3QL 28 0 53.741151 -0.491833
HU14 3QN 8 0 53.739072 -0.492231
HU14 3QP 54 4 53.74043 -0.488129
HU14 3QR 54 4 53.740219 -0.487757
HU14 3QS 26 0 53.740435 -0.489933
HU14 3QT 28 0 53.741019 -0.488486
HU14 3QU 16 0 53.739883 -0.485343
HU14 3QW 14 0 53.740864 -0.482654
HU14 3QX 3 0 53.738925 -0.489214
HU14 3QY 25 0 53.743574 -0.482122
HU14 3QZ 4 0 53.74988 -0.485469
HU14 3RA 5 1 53.753775 -0.505774
HU14 3RB 64 0 53.741916 -0.489061
HU14 3RD 14 0 53.741464 -0.490972
HU14 3RE 32 0 53.743002 -0.491751