all postcodes in HU3 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU3 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU3 6BN 19 0 53.741207 -0.374408
HU3 6BS 29 0 53.741251 -0.376332
HU3 6BU 71 0 53.742304 -0.377778
HU3 6BW 7 0 53.741306 -0.373768
HU3 6BX 48 1 53.741949 -0.37811
HU3 6BY 62 0 53.740301 -0.376536
HU3 6BZ 17 0 53.740639 -0.377584
HU3 6DE 5 0 53.739968 -0.379012
HU3 6DT 25 4 53.743617 -0.374929
HU3 6EA 47 0 53.742541 -0.374691
HU3 6EB 48 0 53.742515 -0.375199
HU3 6ED 35 3 53.74278 -0.376174
HU3 6EE 18 2 53.741061 -0.37493
HU3 6EF 10 0 53.740561 -0.375146
HU3 6EG 25 0 53.740351 -0.375564
HU3 6EJ 44 1 53.742169 -0.376388
HU3 6EL 6 0 53.742987 -0.3771
HU3 6EN 17 4 53.743474 -0.377839
HU3 6EP 17 0 53.743469 -0.379447
HU3 6ES 56 0 53.742632 -0.379373