all postcodes in HU3 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU3 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU3 6XG 62 0 53.746922 -0.3882
HU3 6XH 65 0 53.748178 -0.388713
HU3 6XJ 50 0 53.745216 -0.387053
HU3 6XL 38 0 53.74506 -0.388787
HU3 6XN 34 0 53.746957 -0.389503
HU3 6XP 46 0 53.747239 -0.389068
HU3 6XQ 42 0 53.745314 -0.38761
HU3 6XW 40 0 53.745088 -0.388225
HU3 6GA 1 53.747445 -0.373061
HU3 6DR 0 53.748387 -0.383374
HU3 6AD 0 53.749235 -0.385791
HU3 6AE 0 53.748181 -0.385383
HU3 6AF 0 53.748169 -0.386506
HU3 6DS 0 53.748661 -0.386988
HU3 6AU 0 53.747667 -0.386586
HU3 6BT 0 53.748787 -0.384374
HU3 6DU 0 53.748502 -0.383855
HU3 6UB 3 3 53.742488 -0.38589
HU3 6DD 0 53.739881 -0.377832