all postcodes in HU3 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU3 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU3 6TA 5 2 53.743911 -0.38209
HU3 6TB 79 0 53.746394 -0.382176
HU3 6TF 66 0 53.745861 -0.382652
HU3 6TG 29 0 53.744817 -0.383474
HU3 6TH 30 0 53.744855 -0.382927
HU3 6TL 29 0 53.744727 -0.384114
HU3 6TN 27 0 53.744681 -0.384662
HU3 6TP 46 0 53.744517 -0.385851
HU3 6TR 82 0 53.746635 -0.38611
HU3 6UA 18 2 53.742799 -0.387827
HU3 6UD 43 0 53.742293 -0.386952
HU3 6UF 48 0 53.741921 -0.387998
HU3 6UH 2 2 53.743241 -0.388348
HU3 6UL 19 2 53.743533 -0.388891
HU3 6UU 17 8 53.743673 -0.387309
HU3 6UZ 21 3 53.744102 -0.389127
HU3 6XA 32 0 53.745184 -0.390041
HU3 6XB 34 0 53.745051 -0.3895
HU3 6XD 64 0 53.747188 -0.390662
HU3 6XE 30 0 53.746705 -0.390135