all postcodes in HU3 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU3 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU3 6ET 51 0 53.741198 -0.379049
HU3 6EU 4 0 53.741305 -0.378347
HU3 6EX 6 0 53.740763 -0.37811
HU3 6EY 8 0 53.740431 -0.378214
HU3 6HP 17 2 53.743461 -0.380667
HU3 6HR 39 1 53.742139 -0.38015
HU3 6HS 46 0 53.742109 -0.380606
HU3 6HU 1 1 53.745731 -0.368016
HU3 6JA 3 1 53.744148 -0.372551
HU3 6JB 9 4 53.745059 -0.373933
HU3 6JG 28 1 53.746919 -0.374704
HU3 6JP 16 0 53.7494 -0.376049
HU3 6JR 27 4 53.748911 -0.375528
HU3 6JT 9 0 53.745312 -0.374159
HU3 6LB 18 0 53.750375 -0.376982
HU3 6LD 27 8 53.750393 -0.378346
HU3 6LE 21 0 53.750299 -0.380655
HU3 6LF 6 0 53.750128 -0.380692
HU3 6LG 9 0 53.750256 -0.382128
HU3 6LH 43 0 53.750742 -0.381533