all postcodes in HU3 / HULL

find any address or company within the HU3 postcode district

Postcode Area

HU / Hull

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
HU3 6RT 9 0 53.748121 -0.381148
HU3 6RU 10 0 53.749961 -0.380941
HU3 6RW 10 0 53.749344 -0.381638
HU3 6RX 5 0 53.749373 -0.380706
HU3 6RY 10 0 53.749111 -0.380594
HU3 6RZ 10 0 53.748813 -0.380484
HU3 6SA 10 0 53.748334 -0.380275
HU3 6SB 10 0 53.748219 -0.380226
HU3 6SH 27 0 53.74348 -0.38163
HU3 6SL 34 0 53.742771 -0.382385
HU3 6SP 7 0 53.742662 -0.381631
HU3 6SQ 1 0 53.742792 -0.385265
HU3 6SR 7 0 53.742494 -0.382532
HU3 6SS 8 0 53.74301 -0.382755
HU3 6ST 26 3 53.743454 -0.383041
HU3 6SU 26 4 53.743408 -0.384316
HU3 6SW 4 0 53.742987 -0.381755
HU3 6SX 17 1 53.743296 -0.385337
HU3 6SY 16 0 53.743734 -0.384902
HU3 6SZ 8 3 53.743848 -0.383587