all postcodes in IP28 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP28 8PJ 37 0 52.351199 0.467243
IP28 8PL 43 0 52.350797 0.468396
IP28 8PN 4 0 52.347236 0.468862
IP28 8PP 22 0 52.348774 0.466672
IP28 8PQ 42 0 52.351442 0.465054
IP28 8PR 1 0 52.348271 0.46406
IP28 8PS 7 0 52.347285 0.463946
IP28 8PT 24 0 52.347751 0.460991
IP28 8PW 18 1 52.348134 0.465887
IP28 8PX 2 0 52.343706 0.459999
IP28 8PY 37 0 52.349669 0.463433
IP28 8PZ 25 0 52.349265 0.462133
IP28 8QB 7 0 52.352701 0.458197
IP28 8QD 11 0 52.350939 0.462049
IP28 8QE 10 0 52.359269 0.457166
IP28 8QF 2 0 52.36706 0.49855
IP28 8QG 4 0 52.353048 0.45619
IP28 8QH 20 0 52.359721 0.450567
IP28 8QJ 11 0 52.361127 0.444315
IP28 8QL 6 0 52.363707 0.437832