all postcodes in IP28 / BURY ST. EDMUNDS

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Postcode Area

IP / Ipswich

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
IP28 8NG 4 2 52.370214 0.47556
IP28 8NH 4 0 52.368486 0.505114
IP28 8NJ 12 0 52.320794 0.439669
IP28 8NL 7 0 52.365041 0.513629
IP28 8NN 4 0 52.35057 0.456904
IP28 8NP 30 3 52.358665 0.458054
IP28 8NX 9 0 52.358437 0.455211
IP28 8NR 9 0 52.360218 0.457807
IP28 8NS 3 0 52.358562 0.458743
IP28 8NT 6 1 52.356136 0.470269
IP28 8NU 3 0 52.359379 0.460932
IP28 8NY 18 1 52.356752 0.454941
IP28 8NZ 10 0 52.356462 0.453324
IP28 8PA 28 0 52.354896 0.457228
IP28 8PB 35 0 52.353462 0.45705
IP28 8PD 14 0 52.351102 0.456801
IP28 8PE 5 0 52.349813 0.446568
IP28 8PF 38 0 52.351405 0.460387
IP28 8PG 17 0 52.350516 0.461659
IP28 8PH 22 0 52.355441 0.459597