all postcodes in KW14 / THURSO

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Postcode Area

KW / Kirkwall

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
KW14 8QW 6 0 58.587285 -3.522038
KW14 8QX 6 0 58.587437 -3.519842
KW14 8QY 4 0 58.587542 -3.520896
KW14 8QZ 12 0 58.587711 -3.52025
KW14 8RA 12 0 58.588031 -3.521279
KW14 8RB 6 0 58.58821 -3.520564
KW14 8RD 6 0 58.587774 -3.519461
KW14 8RE 12 1 58.588655 -3.516403
KW14 8RF 20 0 58.588879 -3.515673
KW14 8SL 10 0 58.584958 -3.373851
KW14 8SN 14 0 58.577334 -3.401575
KW14 8SP 21 1 58.589383 -3.437823
KW14 8SR 23 0 58.59423 -3.432026
KW14 8SS 22 1 58.592842 -3.410566
KW14 8ST 8 0 58.596923 -3.438675
KW14 8SW 9 0 58.583946 -3.425164
KW14 8SX 30 0 58.590517 -3.31691
KW14 8SY 58 1 58.619489 -3.281284
KW14 8SZ 8 0 58.623106 -3.28238
KW14 8TA 12 1 58.594924 -3.263076