all postcodes in L20 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L20 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L20 4FD 0 53.450219 -2.994101
L20 4FE 0 53.449766 -2.994557
L20 4HA 0 53.454753 -3.002354
L20 4HB 0 53.454142 -3.003364
L20 4HH 0 53.45458 -3.003615
L20 4HN 6 53.453459 -3.005501
L20 4HU 1 53.455988 -3.003782
L20 4JA 7 53.455897 -3.003044
L20 4JB 3 53.455463 -3.001226
L20 4JD 1 53.455423 -3.000713
L20 4JE 1 53.455206 -2.999759
L20 4JG 0 53.455444 -3.002401
L20 4JH 1 53.453954 -2.996793
L20 4JJ 1 53.456833 -3.004045
L20 4JL 0 53.456765 -3.003546
L20 4JN 0 53.456811 -3.003382
L20 4JP 0 53.457096 -3.004849
L20 4JQ 3 53.454578 -3.000496
L20 4JR 0 53.45678 -3.004765
L20 4JS 0 53.456556 -3.004897