all postcodes in L20 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L20 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L20 4SL 0 53.451172 -2.993024
L20 4SN 2 53.451269 -2.99304
L20 4SP 9 53.451777 -2.991607
L20 4SQ 0 53.458446 -3.001372
L20 4SR 8 53.452009 -2.991824
L20 4SS 0 53.451658 -2.99293
L20 4ST 6 53.451723 -2.992766
L20 4SU 5 53.451278 -2.992168
L20 4SW 6 53.450918 -2.99225
L20 4SX 5 53.451445 -2.9916
L20 4SY 4 53.451877 -2.992558
L20 4SZ 7 53.45173 -2.992947
L20 4TD 0 53.453468 -2.995833
L20 4TP 0 53.453558 -2.99689
L20 4TR 0 53.452956 -2.99683
L20 4TU 1 53.45337 -3.001057
L20 4TW 0 53.453558 -2.99689
L20 4TX 4 53.453347 -3.003797
L20 4UF 1 53.452911 -3.00332
L20 4UG 0 53.460444 -3.003271