all postcodes in L20 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L20 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L20 4QR 0 53.454843 -2.995896
L20 4QS 5 53.457473 -3.007057
L20 4QT 1 53.458868 -3.008685
L20 4RE 2 53.452724 -2.993225
L20 4RH 0 53.458872 -3.007421
L20 4RJ 0 53.458887 -3.006684
L20 4RL 1 53.458224 -3.006472
L20 4RN 0 53.45801 -3.005172
L20 4RP 0 53.45883 -3.005944
L20 4RR 0 53.45886 -3.005629
L20 4RS 0 53.458918 -3.005193
L20 4RT 0 53.458848 -3.004891
L20 4RU 0 53.458996 -3.004397
L20 4RW 1 53.457554 -3.004708
L20 4RY 0 53.459008 -3.004111
L20 4RZ 0 53.458633 -3.003771
L20 4SE 1 53.458715 -3.002523
L20 4SF 1 53.458566 -3.002083
L20 4SG 0 53.458487 -3.001855
L20 4SJ 0 53.451172 -2.993024