all postcodes in L20 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L20 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L20 4NF 0 53.460029 -3.00662
L20 4NH 14 53.4602 -3.003129
L20 4NJ 6 53.459813 -3.001374
L20 4NL 0 53.459386 -3.007238
L20 4NN 1 53.459458 -2.999497
L20 4NP 1 53.459622 -3.005918
L20 4NR 8 53.459815 -3.003211
L20 4NU 4 53.459217 -3.000577
L20 4NX 0 53.458461 -2.998586
L20 4NY 0 53.458128 -2.999723
L20 4NZ 2 53.457547 -2.999212
L20 4PA 0 53.458745 -2.998939
L20 4PB 0 53.457981 -2.998921
L20 4PD 1 53.460049 -3.001003
L20 4PE 0 53.458274 -3.000434
L20 4PF 0 53.458153 -2.999949
L20 4PG 0 53.458376 -3.001144
L20 4PH 0 53.460845 -3.002543
L20 4PJ 0 53.4602 -3.001217
L20 4PL 1 53.460568 -3.002356