all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 5JR 2 0 53.381402 -2.866784
L25 5JS 11 0 53.378136 -2.867395
L25 5JT 9 0 53.381231 -2.867127
L25 5JU 9 0 53.381764 -2.867995
L25 5JX 3 1 53.384073 -2.863185
L25 5JY 16 8 53.383889 -2.862415
L25 5JZ 22 1 53.384937 -2.864225
L25 5LA 24 0 53.384146 -2.865457
L25 5LB 33 0 53.383758 -2.864442
L25 5LD 13 0 53.383767 -2.863254
L25 5LE 5 0 53.384524 -2.864112
L25 5LF 4 0 53.384666 -2.86443
L25 5LG 17 0 53.377058 -2.853663
L25 5LH 18 0 53.374682 -2.855344
L25 5LJ 8 0 53.37594 -2.854152
L25 5LL 16 0 53.378021 -2.856058
L25 5LN 43 0 53.377241 -2.854494
L25 5LP 57 0 53.37667 -2.855099
L25 5LQ 20 0 53.375605 -2.853153
L25 5LR 55 0 53.376565 -2.855953