all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 5NS 22 0 53.37895 -2.864359
L25 5NT 26 0 53.378624 -2.863331
L25 5NU 29 0 53.379821 -2.861942
L25 5NW 1 0 53.376481 -2.863828
L25 5NX 39 0 53.379405 -2.862219
L25 5NY 20 0 53.379993 -2.860472
L25 5NZ 16 0 53.379729 -2.85973
L25 5PA 27 0 53.379845 -2.864829
L25 5PB 22 0 53.381133 -2.861923
L25 5PD 24 0 53.380866 -2.861602
L25 5PE 10 0 53.379137 -2.857042
L25 5PF 16 1 53.379547 -2.857501
L25 5PG 67 0 53.380275 -2.857621
L25 5PH 21 0 53.381539 -2.859255
L25 5PJ 20 0 53.381362 -2.858846
L25 5PL 32 0 53.381997 -2.858122
L25 5PN 37 0 53.379637 -2.854993
L25 5PP 29 0 53.379716 -2.856498
L25 5PQ 10 0 53.381423 -2.857915
L25 5PR 18 0 53.380751 -2.856308