all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 5LS 37 0 53.377234 -2.856733
L25 5LT 41 0 53.375724 -2.85541
L25 5LU 8 0 53.376385 -2.857227
L25 5LW 13 0 53.375261 -2.853567
L25 5LX 46 0 53.375674 -2.852328
L25 5LY 33 0 53.377066 -2.857557
L25 5LZ 34 0 53.375504 -2.855977
L25 5NA 31 5 53.376803 -2.852892
L25 5NB 7 1 53.377272 -2.85236
L25 5ND 16 0 53.376307 -2.851814
L25 5NE 25 0 53.376515 -2.851668
L25 5NF 51 0 53.376688 -2.851341
L25 5NG 25 0 53.375628 -2.8512
L25 5NH 30 24 53.375049 -2.866429
L25 5NJ 24 0 53.381574 -2.864337
L25 5NL 15 0 53.377506 -2.863894
L25 5NN 2 1 53.377897 -2.862955
L25 5NP 15 0 53.377276 -2.864596
L25 5NQ 14 0 53.37509 -2.851024
L25 5NR 36 0 53.378842 -2.86556