all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 5PS 17 0 53.38047 -2.856738
L25 5PT 18 0 53.380953 -2.855786
L25 5PU 18 0 53.384707 -2.866235
L25 5PW 31 0 53.380201 -2.85532
L25 5PX 45 0 53.380617 -2.861191
L25 5PY 36 0 53.379369 -2.867269
L25 5PZ 20 0 53.38552 -2.864387
L25 5QA 4 4 53.375445 -2.865476
L25 5QB 7 0 53.384233 -2.863429
L25 5QH 12 0 53.379192 -2.859479
L25 5QQ 20 0 53.379176 -2.859072
L25 5HA 0 53.380914 -2.857514
L25 5QE 7 0 53.379507 -2.858117
L25 5WF 1 53.374597 -2.86585
L25 5QG 0 53.381851 -2.86553