all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 9NQ 19 1 53.373026 -2.852861
L25 9NR 30 0 53.371552 -2.854305
L25 9NS 42 0 53.371207 -2.854794
L25 9NT 29 0 53.37091 -2.854878
L25 9NU 26 0 53.370688 -2.854498
L25 9NW 18 0 53.37218 -2.854438
L25 9NX 26 0 53.37013 -2.854532
L25 9NY 40 0 53.369843 -2.854466
L25 9NZ 18 0 53.370129 -2.850985
L25 9PA 23 5 53.369924 -2.848125
L25 9PB 25 1 53.369929 -2.849748
L25 9PD 37 0 53.371007 -2.851408
L25 9PE 33 0 53.371083 -2.849561
L25 9PF 22 0 53.370984 -2.850851
L25 9PG 27 0 53.368911 -2.851502
L25 9PH 24 0 53.370962 -2.85013
L25 9PJ 33 0 53.368434 -2.84539
L25 9PL 29 0 53.366786 -2.844426
L25 9PN 23 0 53.36769 -2.845045
L25 9PP 17 0 53.367724 -2.845331