all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 9QT 19 0 53.36305 -2.851625
L25 9QU 25 0 53.364836 -2.852051
L25 9QW 13 0 53.36432 -2.852522
L25 9QX 26 0 53.364319 -2.847578
L25 9QY 33 0 53.362363 -2.848411
L25 9QZ 17 0 53.362182 -2.851037
L25 9RA 20 0 53.364306 -2.848224
L25 9RB 28 0 53.362838 -2.848495
L25 9RD 12 0 53.362304 -2.850378
L25 9RE 7 0 53.36721 -2.848101
L25 9RH 8 0 53.363551 -2.848194
L25 9RJ 27 0 53.36569 -2.846959
L25 9RL 48 0 53.366081 -2.848815
L25 9RN 48 0 53.365659 -2.850099
L25 9RT 23 0 53.373713 -2.852544
L25 9RU 60 0 53.372963 -2.851823
L25 9RW 48 0 53.365567 -2.849075
L25 9RX 3 0 53.372682 -2.852208
L25 9RY 30 0 53.372638 -2.850764
L25 9RZ 26 0 53.374758 -2.850972