all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 9PQ 24 0 53.368599 -2.85115
L25 9PR 19 0 53.36762 -2.85113
L25 9PS 1 1 53.367448 -2.851322
L25 9PT 8 0 53.367965 -2.848041
L25 9PU 12 5 53.367165 -2.851872
L25 9PW 15 0 53.367016 -2.845031
L25 9PY 8 0 53.368059 -2.848749
L25 9PZ 38 0 53.368541 -2.849195
L25 9QA 20 0 53.367353 -2.846962
L25 9QB 14 0 53.368122 -2.849998
L25 9QD 26 0 53.366703 -2.845791
L25 9QE 26 0 53.365063 -2.846676
L25 9QF 6 1 53.364507 -2.850226
L25 9QG 12 0 53.365959 -2.852029
L25 9QJ 7 0 53.365361 -2.846456
L25 9QN 18 0 53.363037 -2.852181
L25 9QP 20 0 53.366695 -2.852224
L25 9QQ 11 0 53.367553 -2.84665
L25 9QR 14 0 53.366313 -2.852847
L25 9QS 20 0 53.365524 -2.852546