all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 9SA 4 0 53.37474 -2.851047
L25 9SB 66 0 53.374334 -2.849896
L25 9SD 14 0 53.373523 -2.850151
L25 9SE 26 0 53.373953 -2.850445
L25 9SF 10 0 53.373843 -2.850743
L25 9SN 33 0 53.366596 -2.847157
L25 9SS 10 0 53.365423 -2.84784
L25 9ST 21 0 53.366409 -2.850685
L25 9SU 11 0 53.365733 -2.851002
L25 9SX 20 0 53.365981 -2.851548
L25 9PX 6 0 53.367635 -2.847749
L25 9QH 0 53.366387 -2.846296
L25 9TA 10 0 53.367864 -2.850849
L25 9AB 12 0 53.369005 -2.848498
L25 9RP 0 53.365307 -2.844907
L25 9AA 0 53.369225 -2.85011