all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 0QE 18 0 53.359601 -2.846147
L25 0QF 16 0 53.359668 -2.846869
L25 0QG 25 0 53.361237 -2.848644
L25 0QH 4 0 53.359426 -2.845527
L25 0QQ 30 1 53.360768 -2.848965
L25 0QR 42 0 53.357394 -2.851933
L25 0QS 43 0 53.35754 -2.851605
L25 0QJ 0 53.359886 -2.850285
L25 0QP 0 53.359263 -2.84916
L25 0QT 0 53.359035 -2.849967
L25 1BA 7 0 53.395668 -2.871902
L25 1GA 7 0 53.397329 -2.875876
L25 1NA 17 0 53.396312 -2.874727
L25 1NB 25 0 53.396096 -2.871144
L25 1JA 12 0 53.397818 -2.876548
L25 1ND 21 0 53.395245 -2.869487
L25 1NE 35 1 53.394786 -2.869508
L25 1NF 1 0 53.393295 -2.868214
L25 1NG 17 1 53.394892 -2.871014
L25 1NH 35 0 53.395403 -2.872453