all postcodes in L25 / LIVERPOOL

find any address or company within the L25 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L25 1NJ 28 0 53.395513 -2.873463
L25 1NL 6 0 53.395146 -2.867094
L25 1NN 19 0 53.39722 -2.871106
L25 1NP 17 0 53.394645 -2.867881
L25 1NQ 20 0 53.394916 -2.87148
L25 1LN 1 0 53.39484 -2.868276
L25 1NS 10 0 53.394818 -2.867599
L25 1NU 6 0 53.395473 -2.866544
L25 1NW 16 1 53.396716 -2.871201
L25 1NX 19 0 53.397046 -2.869118
L25 1NY 20 0 53.396195 -2.867461
L25 1NZ 28 1 53.395729 -2.868459
L25 1PA 32 0 53.394854 -2.877449
L25 1PB 8 0 53.392826 -2.873347
L25 1PD 7 7 53.391522 -2.872238
L25 1PF 25 0 53.393399 -2.874833
L25 1PG 6 0 53.391971 -2.87348
L25 1PH 17 0 53.39384 -2.877293
L25 1PJ 31 0 53.394344 -2.878386
L25 1PL 18 0 53.394177 -2.87912