all postcodes in L34 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L34 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L34 5NR 0 53.425466 -2.79868
L34 5NL 6 0 53.424347 -2.80057
L34 5AB 7 0 53.425068 -2.800328
L34 5AD 9 0 53.425382 -2.800439
L34 5AE 9 0 53.424746 -2.800187
L34 5AH 0 53.427935 -2.796364
L34 5AF 9 0 53.424468 -2.800091
L34 5AG 9 0 53.424309 -2.799637
L34 5RH 0 53.429353 -2.804517
L34 5NG 30 0 53.424108 -2.800145
L34 6HA 1 1 53.429368 -2.805135
L34 6HB 36 1 53.430721 -2.804558
L34 6HD 32 3 53.431075 -2.803933
L34 6HE 15 0 53.43 -2.80474
L34 6HF 13 7 53.430269 -2.803572
L34 6HG 5 2 53.429868 -2.804392
L34 6HH 26 0 53.431635 -2.803552
L34 6HJ 15 0 53.431671 -2.803281
L34 6HL 9 0 53.431208 -2.802882
L34 6HN 18 1 53.430972 -2.801989