all postcodes in L34 / PRESCOT

find any address or company within the L34 postcode district

Postcode Area

L / Liverpool

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
L34 5SX 8 0 53.426404 -2.795432
L34 5SY 3 2 53.423521 -2.799155
L34 5TB 8 0 53.429147 -2.80197
L34 5TD 1 1 53.425386 -2.797144
L34 5TF 1 1 53.428627 -2.801855
L34 5UB 16 0 53.428378 -2.795936
L34 5UD 20 1 53.422838 -2.801821
L34 5UN 5 1 53.422851 -2.802514
L34 5WU 1 1 53.428627 -2.801855
L34 5WT 1 1 53.428627 -2.801855
L34 5TH 0 53.429253 -2.802228
L34 5PH 0 53.424308 -2.798448
L34 5PJ 0 53.424789 -2.797674
L34 5NB 52 0 53.425081 -2.801111
L34 5ND 89 0 53.424424 -2.802528
L34 5NE 30 0 53.42323 -2.800941
L34 5NH 40 0 53.423732 -2.801146
L34 5NN 12 0 53.424535 -2.800785
L34 5NT 0 53.426457 -2.796938
L34 5NU 0 53.426415 -2.7979